The Factorio Architecture
Do what the math tells you
Factorio is the perfect visual and practical manifestation of how ALL software is designed, whether intentionally or not, and we as software developers can use that fact to design better systems before writing a single line of code.
For a while now I have felt that there is something fundamentally missing when it comes to designing complex software systems. I have often seen people take for granted that software architecture is an unknowable monster. It is not uncommon for architects to answer questions about how to design software with the phrase “it depends”. While I completely agree that a decision has to be made with the context of the problem in mind, the “it depends” answer never comes with a systematic way of answering the question. For example, you will probably hear “if your system is small then use a monolith” or “start with a monolith and then when your system has scaling issues then switch to a microservice”, but these answers miss something big. How do I answer the question of what is a “big” system or when do I know if my system has “scaling issues”? The good news is that we as software developers have already come up with much of the theory to answer these questions in an objective way, but we simply need to start using the tool all engineers know and love, math!
What does this have to do with Factorio?
For those of you who do not know already, Factorio is a game where you turn raw materials into useful products through a series of machines. These products are then used to create more machines and defenses for your machines. The objective of the game is to build a rocket with your machines to leave the planet you are stranded on. So what does this game have to do with software architecture? If you think about it in a literal sense, all the products and raw materials of the game are just bytes of data and the machines are functions that operate on those bytes of data. So what I am saying is that Factorio is a low code no code solution! You even run into common problems we face as software developers such as scaling issues and spaghetti factory designs. Are there any lessons which can be taken away from Factorio that can help us become better at designing software? Yes! We simply need to see what another discipline of engineering, which is dedicated to designing and scaling factories, has learned about them, Chemical Engineering.
What can we learn from Chemical Engineers?
Oftentimes chemical engineers have to work on something related to manufacturing products. They may take crude oil and turn it into gas, convert sand into silicon wafers, or take chemicals and turn them into life saving drugs. All these industries are very different, but they all hire chemical engineers who are taught in more or less the same way in every university. How are these people even qualified if these industries are so different? The answer is that these industries all share common “unit operations” which is a term coined by an early pioneer of chemical engineering, Arthur D Little. What Arthur essentially discovered was that there were common categories of equipment that all manufacturing processes shared. According to him these unit operations were:
Fluid Flow Processes
How gas and liquids flow through pipes
Heat Transfer Processes
How to cool and heat materials
Mass Transfer Processes
How to purify materials
Thermodynamic Processes
How to know how much energy is required to perform a process
Mechanical Processes
Changing materials without chemical reactions (e.g. mixing, pulverizing, etc.)
The understanding of what the basic unit operations are has changed with time, but teaching these unit operations with dedicated classes is still the way most chemical engineers are taught today. In each of these categories of unit operations they learn different ways to accomplish the operation and, critically, learn equations to ensure their process can produce the required amount of product. For example, calculating how much heat they need to boil sea water in order to purify it would be taught to them in their thermodynamics class. In thermodynamics, as with all of the chemical engineering courses, they learn how to look up the correct equations to use and then apply them. It just so happens that the same equations that are used to calculate the heat required to boil sea water can also be used to calculate something like the heat required to boil crude oil in order to refine it. The equations have different constants to account for the material they are concerned about, but the same principles apply. These equations allow a chemical engineer to jump into a problem they have never dealt with before and come up with a good understanding about how viable a solution is. Experience, as always, is important because there is always domain specific information that needs to be understood, but their education helps them avoid designs which are certain to fail. You may be wondering if we as developers have discovered our unit operations yet and, to me, the answer is yes, but we have not categorized our existing knowledge correctly to be able to take advantage of it.
What are our “unit operations” in software?
Software, in contrast with manufacturing plants, does not produce chemicals, but instead it produces data, so all the unit operations must interact with data. As there have been refinements since the early days of chemical engineering on what the unit operations are, I am almost certainly missing operations on my list, but my hope is that our industry will further refine this list as our understanding of software improves. I included my own definitions for clarity.
Convert one piece of data to another
Remove Data
Order Data
Determine where data should go (e.g. Load Balancer or a switch statement)
Check the integrity of the data. This normally will result in mapping of the data to a new type. (e.g. parsing)
Determine identity of the person/software triggering a data flow
Determine if an identified person/software is allowed to trigger a data flow
Global state read/write
Read/write data to memory that is scoped beyond the call stack
- Mathematical constants such as PI
- String message constants
- The document variable available to javascript in a web browser
Any communication outside of your program
- Network, database, console input/output, etc
- Caching
- Logging
Kill the program
This looks like functional programming… So you want me to do functional programming?
While I think functional programming works so well because it has these concepts built into it, this is not about functional vs object oriented programming. Functional programming is a style and I believe the use of unit operations is not a style, but fundamental to programming itself. Simply put, all programs use unit operations, whether intentionally or not, in order to function and thus unit operations apply to all of programming, even to assembly and machine code.
I guess this is nice, but how is this useful in a real world scenario?
Much like how neural networks are made up of tiny math functions, or “neurons”, and are composed into powerful things such as large language models, breaking down your software into these unit operations gives you power only through combining them into a structured, repeatable system. While there may be more implications, these points I feel are enough to give a strong incentive to start programming with unit operations in mind.
- Allows developers to estimate the runtime complexity, memory usage, and disk usage of their system before they write a single line of code.
- Enables a means of visualizing the data flow.
- Allows developers to estimate the cost of their project.
- Easier Design Patterns to Replicate
Estimating System Requirements
If you know the general flow of an algorithm then you can reasonably estimate the runtime performance before writing any code. For example, fetching weather data from an API and printing it onto the console could be broken down the following way:
- Ask the user what location they want data for (I/O)
- Validate location input (Validate)
- Make a GET request to the API endpoint (I/O)
- Parse the JSON in the response (Validate)
- Convert the parsed JSON data into a string (Map)
- Print the string to the console (I/O)
Trying to estimate the system requirements for this program as a whole would be challenging since there are different ways to accomplish the goal even for a simple program like this one. For example, maybe we could cache previously requested JSON responses which would impact the performance as well as the memory usage. Clearly stating the data flow now gives us something concrete to make estimates with. To do this, you would calculate both memory usage and performance for each unit operation in isolation. Once the individual unit operations’ memory usage and performance is calculated you simply need to: (1) sum all the results for every given flow of data (in the case of performance) and, (2) sum memory allocation and subtract freed memory (in the case of memory usage), for every data flow. You would want to calculate max memory usage as well. Undoubtedly additional calculations would be needed, but these results provide an example of how designing systems with unit operations enables estimation of the hardware demands from your program.
So are you saying we have to build this system before we know how well it will perform? We are right back where we started!
You are correct, at first. Fortunately, chemical engineers have a way around this problem since they too have the same issue with their equipment. The way around it is to rely on published and verified laboratory results from which equations are derived, and thus calculations can be made. Unfortunately, this is not a task for a single person, but from many individuals over many years. This is a big reason why I want to call attention to this way of thinking!
Visualizing Data Flow
Putting the flow of chemicals, just like the flow of data, in words makes it difficult to fully understand the design of a system. Chemical Engineers use process flow diagrams to aid in understanding complex systems. Process flow diagrams connect individual unit operations together using pictures. I have put together a process flow diagram for my previous weather API example as well as a slightly more complicated example of an API that fetches medical patient information. These visualizations give a clear picture to developers of what needs to be done, but still gives them the absolutely necessary creative freedom to organize and structure the code as they see fit.
Estimating Cost
Determining the cost of a software project, or for that matter a chemical engineering project, is never going to be completely accurate or precise. However, being good enough at estimating avoids unnecessary stress in your career. Your management needs to know how much a software project is going to cost and if it is worth investing in. Can you blame them? If you were thinking about paying someone to build you a house would you not want to know how much it is going to cost you and how long it is going to take? Would you want to hear that it depends and that there is no way to know for sure, with no concrete answer?
By breaking your system down into unit operations and calculating the resources those unit operations will consume, you have a good chance at giving a more realistic estimate. There are plenty of factors that contribute to the cost of a project, but I will focus on the two that are most important when breaking down data flows into unit operations: operational cost and building cost.
Operational Cost
The operational cost is simple enough since it is derived by using the memory usage and runtime performance of your data flows. Once this information is known it is simply a matter of determining how much the machines with the correct specifications will cost over time.
Building Cost
The building cost is a little more difficult since it depends on factors that are difficult to measure, such as the skill of the developers on the project. However, it is my belief that if breaking down software projects into unit operations becomes widely adopted that publications will arise which will, in turn, give our industry those equations. There will be a larger error with building estimates when compared to estimating operational costs, but that is still better than having no idea how much a software project should cost.
Reproducible Design Pattern
Design patterns which are truly repeatable and generic can eventually be created based on the composition of these unit operations. Examples of this would be fetching a single record from a database by ID and displaying it to the user, or drawing a single frame on a screen. There are many ways to achieve this requirement, but there is no reason why equations cannot be used to predict the building and operational cost since fetching data by ID and displaying the results is such a common algorithm in many software projects. This is not to say that you would only have one “true” way to perform these algorithms; instead, over time, many computer scientists would contribute multiple compositions of unit operations in much the same way as there are different algorithms for an operation as simple as sorting. They would have different assumptions built into them, but, if picked carefully, would enable significant performance gains without requiring a developer who is an expert in creating high performance algorithms from scratch.
Players in Factorio have discovered the same principle. You can see many common design patterns all over the internet. Here is an example for smelting. You will notice there is a heavy restriction on the layout of the machines, but that in turn allows the player to not think too much about why the layout is the way it is. Instead the player only needs to know how to reproduce the layout which means they do not need to be an expert in designing the patterns from scratch. They simply only need to know how and when to use them. This is an essential aspect of engineering.
This is a waste of time. Upfront planning is always wrong and changing software is quick, so why bother?
As is the case for every developer, I have seen plenty of projects that have been a complete mess. And the reason why those projects continue to rot in the condition that they are in? Because it is not so easy to change software as we assume, and rewrites pause feature development. Yes, writing lines of code and building new versions of software is relatively quick, but that is not the hard part of maintaining a project. The hard part is figuring out which lines of code to write quickly without breaking existing functionality. When you continually design systems so poorly that you need to rewrite your whole solution every couple of years, your judgment as a developer will be severely questioned even if starting from scratch is not as costly as it is for other engineering disciplines. Keep in mind your salary is a cost and not a cheap one. I do agree that plans are never going to be executed perfectly and that is for the best. As with other engineering disciplines, there are always unforeseen problems, and the goal should not be perfection. The goal of upfront planning and designing through the use of unit operations should be that a change to the system should be proportional to the change in the business requirement. If you worked for a company which sold books online and they wanted to set up a promo code system, saying it would take a full rewrite of the system would be completely out of line with the change proportional to the change in business requirements. Conversely if the business said they were pivoting and were going to start running hotel chains instead of selling books, a complete rewrite is well justified because the business has completely changed as well.
To judge if a code change is out of line with the change in business requirements, I like to think of what a “reasonable user” would expect as far as timelines go. So for example let’s say you have to add a new item to a dropdown. Would a reasonable user expect this change to take a minimum of a month?
The reason why engineers do so many calculations is not to create a perfectly crafted system. It is not to know exactly how your system will behave when it is completed. In fact, in many situations chemical engineers will run “pilot plants” to test ideas they have on a system they are designing. As it turns out, there is no equation that says your system is easy for operators to use, sound familiar? The main purpose of doing the math is to avoid wasting time on building a system that is either way over engineered or way under engineered. You do not want to build a nuclear power plant to power a single house or use a single solar panel to power an entire city. In the same way for software, you want to avoid building microservices for your personal blog site with one view per day or use a single CSV file to store posts for a social media site which has millions of active users. Ultimately if we want to become officially recognized as an engineering discipline we have to go from saying “it depends on a lot of factors” to “it depends on what the math tells you”.
I encourage you to go out right now and try Factorio to see for yourself how much it is just like software. You can even enable peaceful mode so you can focus on just building a massive factory!
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